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Favorite Books of 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010 19 comments

“Walking the Bible, A Journey by Land through the 5 books of Moses” by Bruce Feiler

This was an amazing read! Bruce Feiler is a fantastic writer, who takes a journey following the geographical footsteps of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses. It was an incredible adventure that opened my eyes to the beautiful settings, scenes, and history behind the stories.

“A Million Miles in A Thousand Years” By Donald Miller

Donald Miller is quickly becoming my favorite author. He is hilarious, thought provoking, and refreshing to read. His newest book challenged me to tell a better story with my life. To be more intentional in the way I love those around me and to create more lasting memories of a life that wasn’t spent sitting on my couch, or staring at a screen, but one lived well, and spent generously on behalf of others. This is a must read!

“Evil and the Justice of God” by NT Wright

NT Wright is one of the most trusted professors of New Testament Theology in the world. And his knowledge of 1st century Judaism is a well that I am continually drawing from. In this book he brings up the age old questions of evil, pain, and suffering in God’s good world. Why does evil exist? What is God doing about it? How will it be dealt with? Those are all questions that NT Wright addresses in this book. I didn’t however walk away with any new revelations, as much as walked away with deeper understanding, and host of new questions.

“The Gospel According to Jesus” By Chris Seay

God has really been teaching me about his kingdom already here and still yet to come. And Chris Seay really dives into that topic, as well as the concept of what righteousness really means. Loved this book and highly recommend it!

“It” By Craig Groeschel

Best book on church leadership that I have read in a long, long time. I was annoyed at first at the overuse of the tag line “it,” and almost put the book down, but then I reached chapter three. And Chapter three rocked my world! From there on the rest of the book has changed the way I’m currently doing ministry. I am very grateful for Craig Groschel!